Re: internal gradient function error

From: Srinivasan Shekar <>
Date: Mon May 17 2010 - 14:30:25 EDT
> Before I post your email, I have a few questions:
> Is some of the included text from the pulse program?


> If so, then is it a "standard" pulse program from the Bruker library?
> If it is from the Bruker library, then can you provide the name of the 
> pulse program?

is is not a standard program from the bruker pulse program library.
i wrote it (but i developed it from a family of working programs, which
also i wrote (which in turn were based on a pulse program that my
boss had written which also works, which in turn was derived apparently
from a bruker pulse program from standard library, which i have never

> If it is not a "standard" Bruker pulse program, then can you tell us 
> what 
> it is supposed to do?

4d chemical shift (micro) imaging.

"micro" because, the imaging is done on a "regular" avance 500 MHz bruker spectrometer, w/ a triple axes gradient
bruker probe,  running under topspin 2.1  (but have run similar sequences, albeit w/ only "r2d" and "r3d" and not "r1d"
in xwinnmr as well).

> Also, can you provide the complete pulse program?

"scsImgCs00"   is attached.

"ased", "expt" etc. commands produce the error:

                  gardient function file "r1d" not ound;
                  -error:   gradient file not found.

however, when i use only "r2d" or "r3d" there is no problem.
i'm attaching sequences (scsImgFrqNcdX01,   scsImgFrqNcdY01,   scsImgFrqNcdZ01) that only use "r2d" and "r3d" and have gotten
tons of data out of 'em.

> Thanks,

thank you for your time and help,

> Bob.


Received on Mon May 17 14:30:26 2010

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