McMaster University - Chem3D03 Lab Manual

Laboratory Check-In

1.  The student reports to the appropriate laboratory and at each station will find:

 (i)    Locker equipment sheet.

 (ii)    Locker number and lock combination, or key(s).

PLEASE NOTE:    $0.50 cash fine to have locker opened when key is forgotten.

2.   Sign and complete last page of Safety Bulletin and place in box in lab before you leave the lab on the first day.

3.  Print name, I.D. No., and date on locker equipment sheet.

4.   Place all items from the locker on the bench and after checking them against the locker equipment sheet, return to the locker only those items which are listed on the locker equipment sheet. Any surplus equipment noticed in locker, during the course, should be returned to the extra equipment box.

5.   Report all discrepancies or damage to your Demonstrator. The Demonstrator will (at that time or by the following week) make up all deficiencies. If any replacement is considered not necessary or unavailable at that time, the Demonstrator should record the details and initial it on the student's locker equipment sheet.

6.  Keep the equipment sheet in your lab locker until the locker is complete - DO NOT REMOVE IT FROM THE ROOM.

Sign the equipment sheet ONLY AFTER your assistant has signed that he considers it complete. You are responsible for all the chargeable items in your locker after you sign the sheet. Place your signed equipment sheet in the box in your room.


Procedure for Breakage etc., During Course

When the cost of replacement is $1.50 or more (see equipment sheet for prices -- posted in lab), the student is to obtain replacements from the Technician (Karen Neumann) in ABB 118. You will be billed at the conclusion of the term. Any item charged out of the store is non-returnable. Less expensive items can be obtained from the Technician with the Demonstrator's approval. If a student breaks any commonly-used item, the student will be charged for such to a maximum of $30.00 per item.

Procedure when student withdraws during course.

At that time, the student must arrange with the Technician for check-out of locker equipment. In the case where a student withdraws because of illness and is unable to attend to check-out, such a student must inform the Technician in writing, so that the locker equipment can be checked-out by our personnel. The locker key(s), if any, must be returned. Failure to comply with the above will result in the following charges being made:



D. Safety Glasses.

If safety glasses or goggles are forgotten, the store will provide such on a temporary loan by charging $1.00 cash and a deposit of your student card.

Checking-out Laboratory Lockers

The following procedures are to be used for the "checking-out" of lockers on the last day of the laboratory course, or when withdrawing from the course.

1. Remove everything from your locker and wipe the locker clean.

2. Make certain you have all the items on your locker list (including non-chargeables) and that everything is clean and not chipped, cracked or broken.

3. Return to the locker only those items listed on your equipment sheet.

4. Ask your Demonstrator to inspect the equipment and to sign the sheet when the locker is complete.

5. Lock your locker.

6. If your locker key is not stamped with the room and locker number, label it and attach it to your equipment sheet.

7. Give the completed equipment sheet to your Demonstrator.

THE LOCKER KEY must be returned or you will be charged $3.00.

All students must "CHECK-OUT" their lockers on the scheduled day or on withdrawal from course or they will be fined $10.00. An additional charge of $10.00 will be levied for the cleaning of dirty locker equipment.

The onus is on the STUDENT to obtain the Demonstrator's signature on the equipment sheet, indicating that "CHECK-OUT" is complete and satisfactory.

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