Aspect-2000, Plotting and the Punch Port
Fri, 05 Nov 1993 14:00:58 -0600

While we are sharing our anecdotes about Aspect 3000 -> HP plotter connections,
I'll mention these factoids:
-the Bruker logo doesn't come out right on HP 7475's or emulators because
they lack the instruction 'LO' (label origin), which the 7550 has. This
is what is used to position the various parts of the logo around a common
center point.
-the 3000 will not talk to non-plotters (i.e. printers with an HPGL mode)
because it first sends an OH (output hard-clip limits) instruction and waits
for the plotter's response. If there is no response, there is no plot, and
the 3000 eventually times out. However, you can catch the HPGL code by
eavesdropping on the connection to a plotter (that's how we discovered
factoid #1). Dave Vander Velde, University of Kansas