2H decoupling

Thu, 10 Oct 1996 10:41:39 -0400

We would like to add a fourth channel to our DRX500 devoted solely to
deuterium decoupling, along the lines of the setup described in
Wang et al. (1995) J. Biomol. NMR _5_ 376-382. Buying a complete BB
channel from Bruker would be expensive and exceed our requirements.
If anyone on the list has any relevant experience or thoughts on the
matter I would appreciate it. As usual I will post a summary if there
is sufficient interest.

Thanks, Bruce Fulton
Bruce Fulton Biotechnology Research Institute
bruce.fulton@bri.nrc.ca National Research Council Canada
phone: (514) 496-7617 6100 ave Royalmount
fax: (514) 496-5143 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4P 2R2