Help in learning advanced techniques in NMR

From: Kirk Brannan Babb (
Date: Mon Feb 19 2001 - 14:51:46 PST

Dear BUMers,

     I am a Ph.D. candidate in a program in Little Rock, AR, USA (the "ex-ex-
home of Bill Clinton). My research project is just beginning, really, and it
will involve a large amount of NMR and potentially MRI since the grant I am
working under is studying breast cancer in rats. I have a bachelor's and a
master's in Chemistry, but am still limited to the basics when it comes to NMR.
     Even after NMR theory work in classes, the "nuts and bolts" side of NMR
(pulse sequence editing, advanced experiments, etc.) remains elusive as we do
not have a qualified NMR scientist on staff in the department. Believe it or
not, I train new students to use our AC200 (recently upgraded via a Tecmag
DSpect system) - in the basics only, of course! So my knowledge limitation
restricts everyone's experiments. I have just begun an "NMR Club" here with
about 5 other students who indicated they would like to use the instrument for
more advanced purposes. But to get to the point, could you recommend a course
of attack that would enable us to get up to speed and get more out of the
instrument? Maybe there are some great books out there perfectly suited to our
     Perhaps the Tecmag upgrade eliminates me from being able to post to this
group, but I am very open to any and all comments. I will be attending the ENC
Orlando conference, hopefully some good will come from this.


Ph.D. Candidate - Applied Chemistry
tel: 501-569-8000 (department office)

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