From: Bob Berno (bberno@mcmaster.ca)
Date: Tue Mar 27 2007 - 12:34:30 PDT

Hello everyone,

One of my users recently purchased a new computer with Windows VISTA
He tried to install XWinNMR on his computer but has been unsuccessful.

One of the problems was that the version of EXCEED that ships with
XWinNMR is not VISTA compliant. So I suggested he try another Xwindow
application, and he installed the latest version of X-Win32 that does
work with VISTA.
Now the Xwindows side of things works, but he still cannot get XWinNMR
to work.

Has anyone managed to get XWinNMR to work on VISTA? I'm at a loss here
because I have not yet touched VISTA at all.
(I was hoping we could put this off a while longer, but it is looking
like we may soon be forced to convert our XWinNMR floating licenses to
TOPSPIN as more of our users move on the VISTA.)

On a similar note, has anyone been able to get TOPSPIN to work on a Mac?
I figure it is just a matter of time before someone asks me about that.


Dr. Bob Berno
Manager - McMaster NMR Facility
Department of Chemistry
McMaster University
1280 Main St. W
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4M1
Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 24686
FAX: 905-522-2509

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