ASPECT Connectivity

A.R.Garber, NMR Services (
31 May 94 10:08:26 EST5EDT

My department is toying with the idea of providing benchtop nmr
processing on a department wide basis. The department is wired for
Ethernet. We have three Bruker ASPECT-3000 based spectrometers and a
Bruker ASPECT-1000 based workstation currently in use. We would like
to support IBM compatibles and MacIntosh computers for 1-D processing
in the user's labs, as well as allow for inclusion of Unix based
workstations for more sophisticated processing/analysis scattered
around the department.

I would love to hear from anyone who has already attempted or
accomplished this feat. I am particularly interested in approaches to
getting data from the ASPECT's to the individual processing computers
(Bruknet, NMR-Link, Kermit, dedicated file servers, etc.). I would
also like to hear any likes/dislikes you would consider sharing with
us vis-a-vis various nmr processing packages from either Bruker or
any of the third parties producing software for the PC or
MacIntosh platforms. User-friendliness, feature richness,
stability, and processing speed (particularly FT for 32 to
128 kword 1- D files) are all important to us.

I will be glad to summarize and distribute any responses I receive
to all AMMRL and Bruker Users Group members.

Dr. A.R. Garber Phone: (803)-777-2088
NMR Services FAX: (803)-777-9521
Dept. of Chemistry
University of S. Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208