For Sale

Mark Dixon 01509 611011 Ext 4062 (Mark.JM.Dixon@FISONSPHARM.CO.UK)
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 17:50:00 +0000 (GMT)

Fellow Punters,

We are in the process of replacing two Bruker AM360 NMR
spectrometers and would like to offer these for sale.

Details are available on request, but briefly they are
both in routine use for single user and automated operation.
Both have a sample changer, ethernet, and CDC/CMD drive. One
instrument has a QNP probe with 19F capability.

These are working instruments which are still on Bruker
UK service contracts. One instrument was commissioned in 1982
and the other in 1985. Preference will be given to a buyer
wanting both instruments.

Please direct enquiries to:

Dr. M. Bernstein,
Astra Charnwood,
Bakewell Road,
LE11 0RH
United Kingdom.

Tel: (01509) 644140
Fax: (01509) 645576