Xwinnmr- User management

Jane Strouse (strousej@chem.ucla.edu)
Thu, 29 May 1997 13:23:20 -0700

Dear Bummers,

In response to Yiu-Fai Lam's question #3, I have never understood why
anyone would not give each user their own account. We are running xwinnmr
on an ARX400 and an ARX500. I currently have 115 user accounts on the 400
and about half that many on the 500. Unix is an operating system that
allows users protection of their data from other users (unlike ADAKOS), so
why not make use of it? We altered the default value for the umask (found
in /etc/default/login) from 002 to 022 so members of the same group cannot
delete each other's data. With experience I found that I needed a to write
a few scripts to make user maintenance easier but they are fairly minimal.
We provide reasonable data backup options then charge them for disk space
in excess of 10Mbytes. (I wrote a cron that calculates this automatically
and produces a summary report once a month.) In short, I highly recommend
that you take advantage of the fact that you actually have a real operating

>Question #3:
>As my current license on Xwinnmr is node-lock single user format. Only one
>user ID can process their data at a time. The other user on the Xdisplay has
>to use different Logname. When you have sixty or so users, how would
>you handle their accounts? More specifically, would you give them
>individual account?
>Would you let each research group share two or three accounts (LOGNAME)?
>I have tried to assign users (different lognames) to a same GROUP, Xwinnmer
>will allow them to process data, but they cannot plot out their spectra! I
>guess it is due to the write permission within the Xwinnmer structure.

Dr. Jane Strouse
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569
(310)-825-9841 - voice
(310)-825-0393 - FAX