Re: XwinNMR
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 11:42:37 -0600 (CST)

> 1. In the "as" routine it does not seem possible to display the pulse
> program while one sets the parameters. This does work in DISNMR and UXNMR
> the way it should, but in XwinNMR this does not seem possible...the
> window with the pulse program goes away when one is about to start
> entering parameters. Suspect a limitation with the X-windows interface
> is the problem here.

Actually, as I discovered accidentally one day, the window containing
the pulse program doesn't vanish but rather disappears *under* the main
xwinnmr window. If you shring the xwinnmr window you'll see it hiding
there :-)

Keith Brown
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan