Many Thanks

Malcolm Tolley (
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 16:13:49 -0000

Dear fellow Bruker users
Many thanks for the swift replies concerning my
problem with NT-Unix connectivity. It appears that the overwhelming majority
of people use SAMBA, and so I'm in the process of obtaining it.
Quite a few people also mentioned WS-FTP, a program I'm familiar
with, and which of course is recursive. What I should have mentioned but
didn't, was that I would prefer to use an automatic procedure, either from a
CRONTAB or a scheduler. And unless WS-FTP runs from a command line, it
wouldn't be suitable. But thanks anyway.


Malcolm Tolley e-mail
School of Chemistry
University of Birmingham tel :- 0121 414 4413
Edgbaston fax :- 0121 414 3531
Birmingham B15 2TT
