
From: BoB LeSuer (rlesuer@zoo.uvm.edu)
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 06:25:26 PST

Hi all,

  We have an ARX-500 with two probeheads: a QNP (1H, 12C, 31P, 19F) and
an Inverse 1H-X. I would like to to perform proton observed, fluorine
decoupled experiments but have had little luck so far. I think the
problem lies in the various pulse program commands to get 19F to work
properly. We have a zg30 pulse program for 19F which works on the QNP
probe and I was hoping that I could adapt a standard broad band
decoupling program the same way. I wasn't too successful. In any case,
this is what we are using for F19 observed (I don't know if this is
helpful, but just in case):

1 ze
2 d12 setf1^4 ;d12 = 200ms
3 d1 fox ;d1 = 1s
4 p1 ph1 ; p1 = F19 30 degree pulse for particular tl0
  go=3 ph31
  wr #0

ph1=(8)0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
ph31=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1

I am in an unfortunate situation where this pulse program was designed
by a student who doesn't remember the details of what the `setf1^4` and
`fox` commands do and I have yet to dabble into the realm of pulse
programming, so if all you can offer is a place to look for information,
I would be grateful as well. Thanks


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