SGI Indy spare parts

From: Kees van de Kolk (
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 04:11:46 PDT

Dear NMR users,

We have an old SGI Indy (150 Mhz IP22 processor) which we use for
offline processing of NMR spectra.Unfortunately the SCSI controller has
been partly destroyed so we can only use the internal SCSI connections
and it's not possible to connect external SCSI harddisks.
One possible solution is to replace the motherboard.(it's integrated)
Does someone have old SGI indy spares - motherboards - that are
gathering dust from recent upgrades?
We are very interested.

If you can help us, or have some suggestions we will be very pleased to
hear from you.

Best regards,

Kees van de Kolk
University Medical Center Utrecht - The Netherlands
Experimental Cardiology/NMR laboratory

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