rcu error

From: Mike Lumsden (mike.lumsden@dal.ca)
Date: Wed Dec 14 2005 - 10:38:04 PST

Hi Everyone:

We are running xwin 3.5 pl6 (Windows) here on an AQS style AVANCE 500. We
normally operate using a autosampler and ICON-NMR. One of the experiments I
make available to users under automation is the WATER experiment. The aunm
is au_watersc which basically does a 4 scan zg30, finds the tallest peak,
places the transmitter there, and then does a presat experiment. When this
experiment runs, it works beautifully. The problem has been it seems to
fail on the order of 50% of the time. Consulting the xwin history file, the
error message is always the same:

"rcuerror: scan speed overrides accumulation. Increasing DW or D1,
decreasing TD or switching off the FID display may help. FIFO cycles: 769
done, 2304 missed"

The number of FIFO cycles done and missed varies. Since I am not going to
pretend to understand the root of this problem, I have been changing the
parameters D1, SW, and TD in the proper directions but the error persists.
For the record, I just ran the rcutest and everything passed. Other info
that may be relevant.the RCU board is labelled RCU1/2 ECL01 and the
uxnmr.info file states that the RCU has 8192 kB DRAM, 1024 kB SRAM and 4 kB

This is the only automation experiment that triggers this RCU error.
Anybody have any ideas what's going on here and a possible solution?

Merry XMAS,


Michael D. Lumsden, Ph.D.
NMR Facility Coordinator
Atlantic Region Magnetic Resonance Centre Room 428,
Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4J3

FAX: (902)494-1310
email: mike.lumsden@dal.ca

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