1H 1D HmQC Experiments

From: Mike Lumsden (mike.lumsden@dal.ca)
Date: Wed Sep 27 2006 - 05:32:09 PDT

Dear Bruker Users:

I have been looking into trying some 1D HMQC-like proton experiments which
selectively detect either H3X (HQQC), H2X (HTQC) , or HX (HDQC) subspectra
using gradients to control the coherence pathway (see Parella et al. JMR A
117, 78-83 (1995)). I think this experiment would be quite useful to many of
the research groups in our Dept. I have been looking through our TopSpin 1.3
library and have found many experiments I could use to EDIT 1H spectra in a
DEPT-like fashion, but not FILTER. I am wondering if anyone reading this has
tried these MQ-filtered 1H experiments and might be willing to send me their
pulse sequence(s)? It would be very much appreciated!

In case it proves useful, these experiments would be run on an AV-500,
running Windows 2000 and TopSpin 1.3 pl4.

Thanks so much!

Michael D. Lumsden, Ph.D.
NMR Facility Coordinator
Room 428, Atlantic Region Magnetic Resonance Centre
Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 4J3

phone: 902-494-1635
FAX: 902-494-1310

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