How to properly transfer user settings of Topspin 1.3 onto a new computer?

From: Markus Hoffmann <>
Date: Thu Jan 21 2010 - 07:44:50 EST

Maybe some of you have gone through the process of changing to a new instrument computer and can help us out.

We have Topspin 1.3 patchlevel 8 and desire to retire our original instrument computer. So far we have been able to set up the NFS Maestro server and the Usergroups and settings properly on the new computer. Topspin 1.3 is loaded fine and runs with the new license file. We are able to establish communication with the console. 

The trouble comes in when attempting to migrate our specific spectrometer settings to the new computer. We were told to simply replace the conf and exp folder with the ones from our old computer. While this gets us to the point where we can use the instrument again with same settings for probe, lock, shim etc. we keep running into permission problems, most notably at two places. 
a) In the ICON NMR configuration window a permission related error message comes up when trying to save 
b) In the Edprosol window a permission related error message comes up when exiting 

Simply copying folders and files just does not seem to be the proper way. In this respect, I should add that our new computer has a different name. In the installation guide it points us to one file where we have to make a change to reflect the different computer name and we have done that. 

Anyway, I hope somebody has run into that predicament before and can give us pointers where to be careful and how to proceed properly. 

Received on Thu Jan 21 07:44:51 2010

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