Group News
June 2018:
- Dr. Peng Wang (Ph.D. 2013) joined Queen's University as a tenure
track Assitant Professor.
- Hamed Bakhshi joined the group as visiting Ph.D. student from Tarbiat
Modares University (Tehran, Iran).
May 2018:
- Timothy Lo (B.Sc. 2015) successfully tranferred to the Ph.D. program.
- Shaochang Song (B.Sc. 2018) joined the group as a M.Sc. student.
- Anastasiia Evstifeeva joined the group as visiting summer student
from Huntington University (IN, USA).
- April Cheng and Tiffany Ng joined the group as summer students.
April. 2018:
- Dr. Fang Yuan (Ph.D. 2017) joined the group of Prof. C. Thompson
as a postdoc.
Jan. 2018:
- Sergei Novikov joined the group as a M.Sc. student.
- April Cheng and Tiffany Ng joined the group as Chem 3RP3 students.
Nov. 2017:
- Dr. Scott Forbes (Ph.D. 2015) joined University of Manitoba (Winnipeg,
Canada) as an X-ray technician.
Sep. 2017:
- Binyu Ye joined the group as a Chem 3RP3 student.
Aug. 2017:
- Allan He (B.Sc. 2015) defended his M.Sc. thesis and joined the UC
Davis for Ph.D. studies (group of Prof. S. Kauzlarich).
May 2017:
- Dr. Fang Yuan joined our group as a postdoc.
March 2017:
- Dr. Fang Yuan successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis.
Dec. 2016:
- Benson Shu Ip accepted position at Apotex.
Sept. 2016:
- Timothy Lo joined the group as a M.Sc. student.
- Marc Muise joined the group as a thesis student.
- Dr. Scott Forbes joined the group of Prof. R. Cava at Princeton University
as a postdoc.
July 2016:
- Prof. Zhigang Zheng joined the group as visiting research scholar
from South China University of Technology (Guanzhou, USA).
May 2016:
- Sean Grixti, Timothy Lo, Aaron Insanalli and Kevin Wyszatko graduated
with Honours B.Sc. degrees.
Sept. 2015:
- Allan He joined the group as a M.Sc. student.
- Dr. Scott Forbes successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.
June 2015:
- Fang Yuan was awarded a McMaster International Excellence Award.
- Fang Yuan and Scott Forbes won Departmental Travel Awards.
May 2015:
- Sean Grixti, Timothy Lo and Aaron Insanalli joined the group as summer
undergraduate research students. They will stay in the group as thesis
students during Sept. 2015-March 2016.
April 2015:
- Allan He and Violet Connelly successfully completed their thesis courses.
May 2014:
- Scott Forbess was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
Dec. 2013:
- Fang Yuan transferred to the Ph.D. program.
Sept. 2013:
- Chivarubhen Raiju Murugaanandan joined the group as a M.Sc. student.
April 2013:
- Dr. Peng Wang successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. He is starting
a postdoctoral appointment with Dr. M. Kanatzidis at Northwestern University,
USA, in June, 2013.
- Chivarubhen Raiju Murugaanandan (thesis student) and Laura Ogilvie
(thesis student) graduated with Honours B.Sc. degrees.
Nov. 2012:
- Dr. Jinlei Yao accepted an Assitant Professor position at Suzhou
University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, China.
Sept. 2012:
- Fang Yuan (M.Sc.) and Mehdi Esmaeli (Ph.D.) joined the group.
- Janice Cheung successfully defended her M.Sc. thesis. Janice works
as a quaility control specialist for the Apotex in Toronto.