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Software Thermoelectric Optimizer based on a Scattering-dependent Single Parabolic Band model, TOSSPB (by Dr. Jan-Hendrik Pöhls) Click to download the zip file of the program. VASP Electronic Band Structure Plotter (by Dr. Jan-Hendrik Pöhls) Click to download the zip file of the program. Publications Book chapters: 2. Reference Module for “Major Reference Works: Chemistry, Molecular
Sciences and Chemical Engineering” 2016. 2024 Pöhls, J.-H.; Lo, C.-W. T.; MacIver, M.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Mozharivskyj, Y., “Driving Thermoelectric Optimization in AgSbTe2 via Design of Experiments and Machine Learning”, under review. Phan, T.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Mozharivskyj, Y., “Optimization of Thermoelectric Properties of n-type Mn- and Te-doped Mg3Sb2-xBix Phases”, under review. Lo, C.-W. T.; Song, S.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Tritt, T. M.; Bogdan, J.; Mozharivskyj, Y.,” Microstructural Instability and Its Effects on Thermoelectric Properties of SnSe and Na-Doped SnSe”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 37, 49442–49453. DOI. Yang, Z.; Smith, E.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Ciesielski, K.; Novikov, S.; Kalab, T., Huang Y.; Toberer, E., Mozharivskyj, Y., “Band and Vacancy Engineering in SnTe to Improve its Thermoelectric Performance”. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12, 5357 - 5365. DOI. 2023 Cui, M.; Bazak, J.D.; Jarvis, V.; Mozharivskyj, Y; Goward G.R., “Accurate Measurements of Li+ Dynamics in Pressure-Treated Solid Electrolytes by Powder X-ray Diffraction and 7Li Magnetic Resonance Diffusometry”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127(51), 24498-24507. DOI. Novikov, S.; Franko, C.J.; Cui, M,; Yang, Z.; Goward, G., Mozharivskyj Y., “Na4-xSn2-xSbxGe5O16 – air-stable solid-state Na-ion conductor”. Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62 (39), 16068–1607. (featured on the front cover) DOI. Huang, Y.; Yang, Z.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Smith, E.; Mozharivskyj, Y., “Unusual
role of ZnO nanoparticles in enhancing the thermoelectric performance
of GeTe”. J. Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 963, 171136. DOI.
Song, S.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Mozharivskyj, Y., “Optimizing thermoelectric performance of SnTe via alloying with AgSnSe2 and PbTe”. J. Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 947, 169415. DOI. Soh, C.; Shadap, L.; Kollipara, M. R.; Tyagi, J. L.; Poluri, K. M.; Mozharivskyj, Y.; Rymmai, E. K., “Synthesis and biological evaluation of arene ruthenium(II) complexes containing thiophene benzhydrazone derivative ligands”. J. Organometallic Chemistry. 2023, 984, 122559. DOI. 2022 Lo, C.-W. T.; Pohls, J.-H.; Johnson, M.; Kolodiazhnyi, T.; Britten, J. F.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Mozharivskyj, Y., “Comparative study of the Zn1-xCdxSb and (Zn1-zCdz)13Sb10 solid solution series”. J. Solid State Chemistry, 2022, 315, 123448. DOI. Pöhls, J.-H.; MacIver, M.; Chanakian, S.; Zevalkink, A.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Mozharivskyj, Y., “Enhanced Thermoelectric Efficiency through Li-Induced Phonon Softening in CuGaTe2.” Chemistry of Materials. 2022, 34(19), 8719-8728. DOI. Novikov S., Y. Lu, W. Zhang, P. S. Halasyamani, S. Hariyani, J. Brgoch,
V. V. Klepov, H.-C. zur Loye, Y.Mozharivskyj, “Phosphorescence in
Mn4+-Doped R+/R2+ Germanates
(R+ = Na+ or K+, R2+
= Sr2+)”. Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 24,
9364-9374 (featured on the front cover). DOI.
Bakhshi H., Sarraf-Mamoory R., Yourdkhani A., Song S., Tseng Y-C., Mozharivskyj Y. “Improvements in the Thermoelectric Efficiency of Donor-doped SrTiO3”. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(4), p.5831-5839. DOI. 2021 Novikov S., Y. Mozharivskyj. “Synthesis and structure of the Na–Ba
and Rb–Ba octagermanates and phosphorescence of the Rb2BaGe8-xO18:xMn4+
series”. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2021, 304, p.
122607. 2020 Lo C-W.T., T. Kolodiazhnyi, S. Song, Y-C. Tseng, Y. Mozharivskyj. “Experimental
survey of dopants in Zn13Sb10 thermoelectric material”.
Intermetallics. 2020,123, p.106831. 2019 Zheng, Z.G., Y.H. Li, A. He, Y. Mozharivskyj, H.Y. Yu, and D.C. Zeng, “Magnetic Properties, Magnetocaloric Effect, and Critical Behavior of Gd - Co - Ge Amorphous Ribbons”. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 2019, 61(1-2), p. 15-22. Keshavarz, M.K., C.-W.T. Lo, S. Turenne, Y. Mozharivskyj, and N.J. Quitoriano,
“Hot Extrusion of ZnSb-Based Thermoelectric Materials; A Novel Approach
for Scale-Up Production”. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials
Processing, 2019, 3(3), p. 58-69. 2018 Aminzare, M., Y.-C. Tseng, and Y. Mozharivskyj, “Effect of Spark Plasma Sintering and Sb Doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of Co4Ge6Te6 Skutterudite”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019, 269, p. 434-441. Lo, C.-W. T., V. Svitlyk, D. Chernyshov, and Y. Mozharivskyj “The updated Zn-Sb phase diagram. How to make pure Zn13Sb10 (“Zn4Sb3”)”, Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, p. 11512 – 11520. Yuan, F., A. Toombs, G. J. Miller, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Gd(Co1-xGax)2: Synthesis, crystal structures, and investigation of structural transformations and magnetic properties," J. Solid State Chemistry, 2018, 264, p.68-76. Yuan, F., J. E. Greedan, C. Boyer, and Y. Mozharivskyj, “A neutron diffraction study of the hexagonal Laves phases, Ho(Co0.667Ga0.333)2 and Er(Co0.667Ga0.333)2: Co/Ga site preferences and magnetic structure”. J. Solid State Chemistry, 2018, 257, p. 1-8. Morozkin, A. V., A. V. Garshev, A. V. Knotko, V. O. Yapaskurt, Y. Mozharivskyj, F. Yuan, J. Yao, R. Nirmala, S. Quezado, and S. K. Malik, "The Gd-Co-Al system at 870/1070 K as a representative of the rare earth-Co-Al family and new rare-earth cobalt aluminides: Crystal structure and magnetic properties," J. Solid State Chemistry, 2018, 261, p.62-74. 2017 Forbes, S. and Y. Mozharivskyj, “Rare-earth pnictide oxides (RE,Ca)mPnnOm (Pn = Sb, Bi): a review of crystal structures, chemistry, compositions, and physical properties”. Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, (22), p. 9605-9612. Zheng, Z.G., Z.R. Zhu, H.Y. Yu, D.C. Zeng, Y.H. Li, A. He, and Y. Mozharivskyj, “Large magnetic entropy change and magnetic phase transitions in rapidly quenched bulk Mn-Fe-P-Si alloys”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 725, p. 1069-1076. Lo, C.-W.T., B.R. Ortiz, E.S. Toberer, A. He, V. Svitlyk, D. Chernyshov, T. Kolodiazhnyi, S. Lidin, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Synthesis, Structure, and Thermoelectric Properties of α-Zn3Sb2 and Comparison to β-Zn13Sb10". Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29(12): p. 5249-5258. He, A., V. Svitlyk, Y. Mozharivskyj, “A New Synthetic Approach for the (Mn,Fe)2(Si,P) Magnetocaloric Materials: Purity, Structural, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties”, Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56 (5), pp 2827–2833. Yuan, F., J.E. Greedan, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Structural and magnetic studies on the new Laves phases RE(Co0.667Ga0.333)2 (RE = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er). Magnetocaloric effect of Gd(Co0.667Ga0.333)2". Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017. 441: p. 490-496. Singh, K.S., P. Wang, N.A. Narkhede, and Y. Mozharivskyj, Iridium(III) and Rhodium(III) compounds of dipyridyl-N-alkylimine and dipyridyl-NH-ketimine: Spectral characterization and crystal structure. J. Chem. Sci. (Berlin, Ger.), 2017, 129(3): p. 365-372. 2016 Hirt, S., F. Yuan, Y. Mozharivskyj, and H. Hillebrecht, “AlFe2-xCoxB2
(x = 0-0.30): TC Tuning through Co Substitution for a Promising Magnetocaloric
Material Realized by Spark Plasma Sintering”, Inorganic Chemistry,
2016. 55(19): p. 9677-9684. 2015 Morozkin, A.V., V.O. Yapaskurt, R. Nirmala, S.K. Malik, S. Quezado, Jinlei Yao, Y. Mozharivskyj, A.K. Nigam, O. Isnard, "Magnetic order of Y3NiSi3-type R3NiSi3 (R = Gd-Dy) compounds", J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 398, p. 141-147. Forbes, S., F. Yuan, K. Kosuda, T. Kolodiazhnyi, Y. Mozharivksyj, "Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Physical Properties of the Gd3BiO3 and Gd8Bi3O8 phases", J. Solid State Chemistry, under review. Dragomir, M., M. Fanetti, Y. Mozharivskyj, and M. Valant, "A facile chemical method for synthesis of nanometer thin 3C-SiC flakes", Nanoscale, under review. Svitlyk, V., T. Kolodiazhnyi, L. M.D. Cranswick, G. Luke, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Magnetic and transport properties of Co1-+δCr2+-δSe4", Materials Research Express, accepted. Morozkin, A.V., A.V.Knotko, V.O.Yapaskurt, Jinlei Yao, Fang Yuan, Y. Mozharivskyj, R. Nirmala, S. Quezado, S.K. Malik, "Magnetic propertiesof CaCu5-type RNi3TSi (R=Gd and Tb, T=Mn, Fe, Co and Cu)compounds", J. Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 232, p. 150-156. Yuan, F., S. Forbes, K. K. Ramachandran, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Structure and Physical Properties of Cr5B3-type Ta5Si3 and Ta5Ge3, J. Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 650, p. 712-717. Forbes, S., Y.-C. Tseng, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Crystal Cluster Growth and Physical Properties of the EuSbSe3 and EuBiSe3 Phases", Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 54(3), p. 815-820. Yuan, F., A.V. Morozkin, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Targeted Structural Changes and Magnetic Properties in (Ho/Er)5Ga3-x(Co/Fe)x", J. Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 620, p. 376-382. Muller, R.A., N.R. Lee-Hone, L. Lapointe, D.H. Ryan, T. Pereg-Barnea, A.D. Bianchi, Y. Mozharivskyj, and R. Flacau, “Magnetic structure of GdBiPt: a candidate antiferromagnetic topological insulator”, Physical Review B, 2015. 90(4), p. 041109/1-5. Morozkin, A.V., A.V. Knotko, V.O. Yapaskurt, F. Yuan, Y. Mozharivskyj, M. Pani, A. Provino, and P. Manfrinetti, “The Ho-Ni-Ge system: Isothermal section and new rare-earth nickel germanides”, J. Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 225, p. 193-201. Palepu, N.R., S.L. Nongbri, J.R. Premkumar, A.K. Verma, K. Bhattacharjee,
S.R. Joshi, S. Forbes, Y. Mozharivskyj, R. Thounaojam, K. Aguan, and M.R.
Kollipara, “Synthesis and evaluation of new salicylaldehyde-2-picolinylhydrazone
Schiff base compounds of Ru(II), Rh(III) and Ir(III) as in vitro antitumor,
antibacterial and fluorescence imaging agents”, J. Biol. Inorg.
Chem., 2015, 20(4), p. 619-638. 2014 Esmaeili, M., S. Forbes, Y.-C. Tseng, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Crystal structure, electronic and physical properties of monoclinic RECuTe2 in contrast to RECuSe2 (RE = Pr, Sm, Gd, Dy and Er)", Solid State Sci., 2014, 36, p. 89-93. Esmaeili, M., Y.-C. Tseng, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Thermoelectric properties, crystal and electronic structure of semiconducting RECuSe2 (RE = Pr, Sm, Gd, Dy and Er)", J. Alloys and Compounds, 2014. 610, p. 555-560. Yuan, F., Y. Mozharivskyj, A.V. Morozkin, A.V. Knotko, V.O. Yapaskurt, M. Pani, A. Provino, and P. Manfrinetti, "The Dy-Ni-Si system as a representative of the rare earth-Ni-Si family: Its isothermal section and new rare-earth nickel silicides", Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2014, 219, p. 247-258. Muller, R.A., N.R. Lee-Hone, L. Lapointe, D.H. Ryan, T. Pereg-Barnea, A.D. Bianchi, Y. Mozharivskyj, and R. Flacau, "Magnetic structure of GdBiPt: a candidate antiferromagnetic topological insulator", Physical Review B, 2014, 90(4), p. 041109/1-5. Morozkin, A.V., F. Yuan, Y. Mozharivskyj, and O. Isnard, "Magnetic order of YNi4Si-type TbNi4Si", J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014, 368, p. 121-125. Kolodiazhnyi, T., H. Sakurai, O. Vasylkiv, H. Borodianska, S. Forbes, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Structure and physical properties of EuTa2O6 tungsten bronze polymorph", Applied Physics Letters, 2014. 105(6), p. 062902/1-062902/3. Pani, M., P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, F. Yuan, Y. Mozharivskyj, A.V. Morozkin, A.V.Knotko, A.V. Garshev, V.O. Yapaskurt, O. Isnard, "New tetragonal derivatives of cubic NaZn13-type structure: RNi6Si6 compounds, crystal structure and magnetic ordering (R=Y, La, Ce, Sm, Gd-Yb)", J. Solid State Chemistry, 2014, 210(1), p. 45-52. Joshi, S., C. Silva, P. Wang, Y. Mozharivskyj, A. Petric, "Copper-Magnesium-Manganese Spinel Coatings for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnects", J. Electrochemical Society, 2014, 161(3), p. F233-F238. Forbes, S., F.Yuan, B.Saparov, A. Sefat, K. Kosuda,T. Kolodiazhnyi, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Electronic Properties of the CaRE3SbO4 and Ca2RE8Sb3O10 Phases (RE is a rare-earth metal)", Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26, p. 2289-2298. Morozkin, A.V., Y. Yao, Y. Fang, Y.Mozharivskyj, O.Isnard, "Magnetic order of the La3NiGe2-type-type Ho3NiGe2", J. Magnetism and Magn. Mat., 2014, 306, p. 200-204. Kolodiazhnyi, T., H. Sakurai, O. Vasylkiv, H. Borodianska, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Abnormal thermal conductivity in tetragonal tungsten bronze Ba6-xSrxNb10O30", Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 104, p. 111903-1-3. 2013 Morozkin, A.V., V. Svitlyk, Y. Mozharivskyj, and O. Isnard, "Magnetic order of the La3NiGe2-type Tb3NiSi2", J. Magnetism and Magn. Mat., 2013, 349, p. 201-207. Morozkin, A.V., A.V. Knotko, V.O. Yapaskurt, Fang Yuan, Y. Mozharivskyj, R. Nirmala, "New orthorhombic derivative of CaCu5-type structure: RNi4Si compounds (R=Y, La, Ce, Sm, Gd–Ho), crystal structure and some magnetic properties", J. Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 208, p. 9-13. Morozkin, A.V., A.V. Knotko, V.O. Yapaskurt, A. Provino, P. Manfrinetti, Jinlei Yao, Fang Yuan, Y. Mozharivskyj, “Dy-Mn-Si as a representative of family of ‘Dy-Transition Metal-Si’ systems: Its isothermal sections, empirical rules and new rare-earth manganese silicides”, J. Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 206, p. 199-208. Wang, P.L. and Y. Mozharivskyj, "The low-symmetry lanthanum(III) oxotellurate(IV), La10Te12O39.", Acta crystallographica. Section E, 2013, 69(6), p. i36. Morozkin, A.V., A.V. Knotko, V.O. Yapaskurt, A. Provino, P. Manfrinetti, Jinlei Yao, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Dy-Co-Si system at 870/1070 K", Intermetallics, 2013, 41, p. 70-75. Wang, P.L., T. Kolodiazhnyi, J. Yao, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Disorder-Controlled Electrical Properties in the Ho2Sb1-xBixO2 Phases", Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25 (5), p. 699–703. Yao, J., Y. Zhang, P.L. Wang, L. Lutz, G.J. Miller, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Electronically-induced ferromagnetic transitions in Sm5Ge4-type magnetoresponsive phases", Phys. Rev. Letters, 2013, 110(7), p. 077204/1-5. Forbes, S., P. Wang, J. Yao, T. Kolodiazhnyi, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Electronic Properties of the Tetragonal (REIREII)3SbO3 Phases (REI = La, Ce; REII = Dy, Ho)", Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52(2), p. 1025–1031. Cheung, Y.Y.J.,V. Svitlyk, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Structural and magnetic properties of Gd5Ge4-xPx (x = 0.25 – 0.63)", J. Magnetism and Magn. Mat., 2013, 331, p. 237-244. Yao, J., A.Morozkin, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Coloring problem and magnetocaloric effect of Gd3Co2.2Si1.8", J. of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 550, p. 331-334. Morozkin, A., J. Yao, Y. Mozharivskyj, "New ternary Yb5Sb3-type R5PtX2 compounds (R=Y, Gd and Er; X= Sb and Bi) and their magnetic properties", J. of Solid State Chem., 2013, 34, p. 10-13. 2012 Cheung,Y.Y.J., V. Svitlyk, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Gd4Ge3-xPnx (Pn = P, Sb, Bi, x = 0.5 - 3): stabilizing the non-existing Gd4Ge3 binary through valence electron concentration. Electronic and magnetic properties of Gd4Ge3-xPnx", Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51 (19), p. 10169–10175. Wang, P., J. Yao, T. Kolodiazhnyi and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Decoupling the Electrical Conductivity and Seebeck Coefficient in the RE2SbO2 Compounds through Local Structural Perturbations", J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134(3), p. 1426-1429. Yao, J., P. Wang, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Crystal structure and magnetism of Gd5-xEuxGe4", J. of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 534, p. 74-80. Morozkin, A., R. Nirmala, J. Yao, Y. Mozharivskyj, and O. Isnard, "Crystal structure and magnetic properties of novel Hf3Ni2Si3-type R3Co2Ge3 compounds (R = Y, Sm, Tb - Tm)", J. Solid State Chem., 2012, 196, p. 93-99. Morozkin, A., J. Yao, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Crystal structure and magnetic properties of novel R3Co2.2Si1.8 compounds (R = Y, Gd - Tm)", J. of Solid State Chem., 2012, 190, p. 371-376. Yao, J., P. Wang, and Y. Mozharivskyj, “Electron–deficient Eu6.5Gd0.5Ge6 intermetallic: a layered intergrowth phase of the Gd5Si4– and FeB–type structures”, Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51, p. 3172–3178. Yao, J., P. Wang, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Tuning Magnetic and Structural Transitions through Valence Electron Concentration in the Giant Magnetocaloric Gd5-xEuxGe4 Phases", Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24, p 552–556. Morozkin, A., J. Yao, Y. Mozharivskyj, O. Isnard, "Magnetic structure of the La3NiGe2-type Tb3NiGe2 and Mn5Si3-type Tb5NixGe3-x (x = 0 and 0.3)", J. Magnetism and Magn. Mat., 2012, 324(7), p. 2977-2984. Morozkin, A., J. Yao, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Sc2CoSi2-type Gd2CoSi2 and Gd2CoGe2 compounds", Intermetallics, 2012, 21, p. 115-120. Svitlyk, V., T. Russell, T. Kolodiazhnyi and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe1.14Cr1.86Se4 Ferrimagnet. Negative Magnetization and its Dependence on Magnetic Field", J. Magnetism and Magn. Mat., 2012, 324(7), p. 1419-1424. 2011 Yao, J. and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Site preference of metal atoms in Gd5-xMxTt4 (M = Zr, Hf; Tt = Si, Ge)", Zietschrift fur Anorganishe and Allgemeine Chemie, 2011, 637(13), p. 2039-2045. Wang, P., S. Forbes, V. Sviltlyk, A. Aushana, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Resolving Composition and Structure of RE-Sb-O-C Natural Superlattice Phases (RE = La, Ho)", European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 26, p. 3887–3895. Wang, L., Y. Sakka, D. A. Rusakov, Y. Mozharivskyj, and T. Kolodiazhnyi, "Novel incipient ferroelectrics based on Ba4MNbxTa10-xO30 where M = Zn, Mg, Co, Ni", Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23(10), p. 2586-2594. Yao, J., P. Lyutyy and Yurij Mozharivskyj "Crystal Structure, Coloring Problem and Magnetism of Gd5-xZrxSi4", Dalton Transactions, 2011, 40(16), p. 4275-4283. Hitchcock, A., K. P. Lam, S. Kairai, Y. Mozharivskyj, V. Svitlyk, K. Harding, and Y. Wang, "Nanoscale magnetizm studied with soft X-ray spectromicroscopy", Physcis in Canada, 2011, 67(1), p. 7-10. do Couto,G. G., V. Svitlyk, M. Jafelicci Junior and Y. Mozharivskyj,"Bulk and high-energy ball-milled Gd5Si2Ge2: comparative study of magnetic and magnetocaloric properties", Solid State Sciences, 2011, 13, p. 209-215. Manfrinetti, P., F. Wrubl, A.V. Morozkin, O. Isnard, Y. Mozharivskyj, V. Svitlyk, " Magnetic ordering of novel La3NiGe2-type R3CoGe2 phases (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd - Dy)", Intermetallics, 2011, 19, p. 321-326. A.V. Morozkin, Y. Mozharivskyj, V. Svitlyk, and R. Nirmala and S. K. Malik, "New ternary Yb5Sb3-type R5T1-x{Sb, Bi}2+x phases (R = Y, Dy, Ho, T = Co, Ru, Rh, Pd) and their magnetic properties", Intermetallics, 2011, 19, p. 302-306. Y.Y.J. Cheung, V. Svitlyk, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Structure, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of RE11Ge8In2 (RE = Gd-Tm)", Intermetallics, 2011, 19, p. 276-281. 2010 P. Wang, S. Forbes, T. Kolodiazhnyi, K. Kosuda, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structures of Novel Narrow-Band Semiconducting Suboxides RE3SbO3 and RE8Sb3-dO8 with RE = La, Sm, Gd, Ho", J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, p. 8795-8803. A.V. Morozkin, Y. Mozharivskyj, V. Svitlyk, R. Nirmala and A. K. Nigam, “Magnetic properties of Fe2P-type Tb6FeTe2, Tb6CoTe2, Tb6NiTe2 and Er6FeTe2 compounds ", J. of Solid State Chem., 2010, 183, p. 3039-3051. A.V. Morozkin, Y. Mozharivskyj, V. Svitlyk, R. Nirmala, O. Isnard, P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino and C. Ritter, "Magnetic properties of Fe2P-type R6CoTe2 compounds (R = Gd-Er)". J. Solid State Chem., 2010, 183, p. 1314-1325. V. Svitlyk, Y.Y.J. Cheung, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the Gd5Si4-xSbx (x = 0.5-3.5) phases". Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2010, 322, p. 2558-2566. P. Wang, F. Ahmadpour, T. Kolodiazhnyi, A. Kracher, L. M. D. Cranswick, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Composition, structure, bonding and thermoelectric properties of "CuT2P3" and "CuT4P3", members of the T1-x(CuP3)x series with T being Si and Ge". Dalton Transcations, 2010, 39, p. 1105-1112. 2009 V. Svitlyk, C. J. Branton and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Gd5Si4-xBix structures: novel slab sequences achieved by turning off the directionality of nearest-slab interactions", Inor. Chem., 2009, 48, p. 10364-10370. S. Misra, Y. Mozharivskyj, A. O. Tsokol, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, G. J. Miller, "Structural, Magnetic, and Thermal Characteristics of the Phase Transitions in Gd5GaxGe4-x Magnetocaloric Materials", J. Solid State Chem., 2009, 182, p. 3031-3040. V. Svitlyk and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Magnetic transitions in the Gd5Si4-xPx (x = 0.5, 0.75, 1.25) phases. Magnetocaloric effect of the Gd5Si2.75P1.25 phase", 2009, 11, p. 1941-1944. V. Svitlyk, Y.Y.J. Cheung, and Y. Mozharivskyj, "Soft ferromagnet GdFe7.7Si1.3 with a CaCu5-to-Th2(Ni/Zn)17 transitional structure", J. Solid State Chem., 2009, 182, p. 2543-2548. V. Svitlyk, F. Fei, Y. Mozharivskyj, "Dy5Ni0.66Bi2.34 and Lu5Ni0.56Sb2.44 – substitution derivatives with the orthorhombic Yb5Sb3-type structure. Magnetocaloric effect of Dy5Ni0.66Bi2.34". Solid State Sciences, 2009, 11, p. 1700-1702. V. Svitlyk and Y. Mozharivskyj, “High-Temperature Order-Disorder Transition in Cor2Se4 and Trapping Co Disorder in Monoclinic Cor2Se4. Structural Features of Cu1-xCoxCr2Se4 phases", Inor. Chem., 2009, 48, p. 5296-5302. V. Svitlyk, F. Fei, A. Kracher, Y. 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