controlling sample insertion rate

From: Mike Lumsden (
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 12:50:54 PST

We are currently having problems with broken inserts on our two Bruker systems, an
AMX-400 WB and an AC-250 NB. On the 250 NB, our QNP probe has been damaged
in the past as well as more recently our C{H} dual probe on the 400. Both probes are
5mm. Both systems were installed in '91 or shortly thereafter.

I am wondering if there is a way to control the rate at which the sample is lowered into
the probe? On our 250 NB, I think the sample drops too quickly and would like to slow
it down. On our WB, the rate of descent is thankfully slower. However, the WB spinner
is heavy and at the top of the bore, it does lots of "dancing" in the xy plane before I can
physically get to the lift off button.

Bolted to both magnets is Bruker part #Z002229 which the eject air is fed through
before connecting to the bore. I have no documentation on this part and have no idea
as to it's purpose. I am wondering if it controls the descent rate? Can I adjust it?

Thanks for your help,

Michael D. Lumsden, Ph.D.
NMR Facility Manager
Atlantic Region Magnetic Resonance Centre
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4J3

FAX: (902)494-1310

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