An Introduction to the Electronic Structure of Atoms and Molecules

Dr. Richard F.W. Bader 
Professor of Chemistry / McMaster University / Hamilton, Ontario

1.  The Nature of the Problem
2. The New Physics
  • Introduction
  • A Contrast of the Old and New Physics
  º Energy
  º Position
  º Degeneracy
  • Probability Amplitudes
  • Further Reading
  • Problems
3.  The Hydrogen Atom
4.  Many-Electron Atoms
5.  Electronic Basis for the Properties of the Elements
6.  The Chemical Bond
7.  Ionic and Covalent Binding
8.  Molecular Orbitals
Table of Contour Values


    We may use an extension of our simple system to illustrate another important quantum mechanical result regarding energy levels. Suppose we allow the electron to move on the x-y plane rather than just along the x-axis. The motions along the x and y directions will be independent of one another and the total energy of the system will be given by the sum of the energy quantum for the motion along the x-axis plus the energy quantum for motion along the y-axis. Two quantum numbers will now be necessary, one to indicate the amount of energy along each coordinate. We shall label these as nx and ny. Let us assume that the motion is confined to a length L along each axis, then:

Nothing new is encountered when the electron is in the lowest quantum level for which nx = ny = 1. The energy E1,1 simply equals 2h2/8mL2.

Since two dimensions (x and y) are now required to specify the position of the electron, the probability distribution P1,1(x,y) must be plotted in the third dimension. We may, however, still display P1,1(x,y) in a two-dimensional diagram in the form of a contour map (Fig. 2-7). All points in the x-y plane having the same value for the probability distribution P1,1(x,y) are joined by a line, a contour line. The values of the contours increase from the outermost to the innermost, and the electron, when in the level nx = ny = 1, is therefore most likely to be found in the central region of the x-y plane.

Fig. 2-7.  Contour maps of the probability distributions Pnx, ny (x,y) for an electron moving on the x-y plane. The dashed lines represent the postion of nodes, lines along which the probability is zero. P1,2 (x,y) and P2,1 (x,y) are distributions for one doubly-degenerate level; P2,3 (x,y) and P3,2 (x,y) are examples of distributions for another degenerate level of still higher energy. The same contours are shown in each diagram and their values (in units of 4/L2) are indicated in the diagram for P1,1(x,y).

A plot of P1,1(x,y) along either of the axes indicated in Fig. 2-7 (one parallel to the x-axis at y = L/2 and the other parallel to the y-axis at x = L/2) is similar in appearance to that for P1(x) shown in Fig. 2-4. That is, for a fixed value of y, the contribution to P1,1(x,y) from the motion along the y-axis is constant and
Thus, aside from the constant factor, P1(x) provides a profile, or if P1,1(x,y) were displayed in three dimensions, a cross section of the contour map of P1,1(x). A contour map is a display of the probability or density distribution in a plane; a profile is a display of the density distribution along a line.

Now consider the possibility of nx = 1 and ny = 2. Then
We could also have the situation in which nx = 2 and ny = 1. This does not change the value of the total energy,
but the probability distributions (Fig. 2-7) are different, P1,1(x,y) ¹P2,1 (x,y). When nx = 1 and ny = 2, there must be a node on the y-axis, i.e., a zero probability of finding the electron at y = L/2. Thus a slice through P1,2(x y) at x = L/2 parallel to the y-axis must be similar to the figure for P2(x), while a slice parallel to the x-axis will still be similar to P1(x). Just the reverse is true for the case nx = 2 and ny = 1. In this case, whether or not we can distinguish experimentally between the x- and y-axes, there are two different arrangements for the distribution of the electron, both of which have the same energy. The energy level is said to be degenerate. The degeneracy of an energy level is equal to the number of distinct probability distribution for the system, all of which belong to this same energy level.

The concept of degeneracy in an energy level has important consequences in our study of the electronic structure of atoms.