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Forms for Current Graduate Students

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This form is to be completed by the student and the student’s committee at the end of the MSc committee meeting. Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

The two transfer forms below are to be completed by the examining committee: one for the departmental records, the other to be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS).  Many students also complete a MSc supervisory committee report at the time of their transfer exam (expand the tab below for details on holding a commitee meeting).  Submit the completed forms to the Grad Admin (

The defence report form is to be completed by the examining committe at the end of the oral defence. The committee chair will have other paperwork for you to complete after you have uploaded the final (corrected, if necessary) copy of your thesis to MacSphere including the final thesis submission sheet and the McMaster University license.  Submit the completed forms to the Grad Admin (  You may also wish to review the Guide for the Preparation of Master’s and Doctoral Theses and review the helpful guidance on the Completing your Masters Degree – Thesis site.

This form is to be completed by the examining committee at the end of the oral defence. Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

The PhD defence process has many parts (including selecting an external examiner and giving them enough time to read your thesis before the defence) and you should discuss plans and timing with your supervisor.  When you have both agreed to initiate the defence process, you can do so by logging into Mosaic: navigate to your Student Centre and click the “My Academics” link. Then click “Defend My Thesis.”

Once you have successfully passed your defence, completed any necessary corrections and uploaded the final version of your thesis to MacSphere, the committee chair will have other paperwork for you to complete a including the final thesis submission sheet and the McMaster University license.  Submit the completed forms to the Grad Admin (  You may also wish to review the Guide for the Preparation of Master’s and Doctoral Theses and review the helpful guidance on the SGS Doctoral Degree site.

Use the form below to switch from the MSc to the PhD program and vice versa (including after your transfer exam). Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

Use the form below to switch from full-time to part-time and vice versa, or withdraw from the program. Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

Use the form below to transfer credits, have a course from outside the department count toward your degree, and change the status of a course (e.g. from required to elective). Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

If you need to make changes to your course schedule outself of SGS’s published enrolment dates, you can do so using the following form. Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

Graduate students may audit courses, in which case a record of the course appears on the student’s transcript (as audited, but with no grade). For a course to be audited, the student is required to attend >80% of the lectures, or the equivalent for non-lecture-based courses. Note: it is only possible for grad students to audit grad courses, not undergrad courses.

In order to audit a graduate course:

  1. Obtain a copy of the course outline from the course instructor and discuss the requirements for auditing the course.
  2. Before the start of the course, fill out the top part of auditing form, sign the form, and obtain signatures from their supervisor and the course instructor.
  3. At end of the course, the instructor will check the appropriate box on the auditing form to confirm whether the student attended at least 80% of the lectures (or equivalent for courses with a non-lecture-based component).
  4. If the course was successfully audited, the form is then provided to the Graduate Program Administrator (, who will obtain a signature from Grad Chair and then send the form over the graduate studies, who will manually input the record of auditing into Mosaic.
  5. If the course was not successfully audited, no further action is taken and no record of the course appears on the student’s transcript.

Use this form to apply to take a graduate course at another university in Ontario and receive credit at McMaster. Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

Use this form to apply to take a graduate course at another university elsewhere in Canada and receive credit at McMaster. Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

If you will be conducting research outside of Canada, you will need to obtain permission from various offices depending on whether the anticipated risk is low, significant, or extreme.  Please follow McMaster’s guidelines for field trip, student placements, and research activity. Depending on the level of risk, you may need to submit:

Once your research placement has been approved, you will need to request permission from SGS to be full time off-campus.  Complete the form and submit to

Use this form if you need permission to, for example, delay a committee meeting or comprehensive exam beyond the deadline set out in the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Academic Calendar. Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

If you have withdrawn from the universtiy for any reason and would like to return to your studies, you will require the support of your supervisor and the following form. Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

Submit the completed form to the Grad Admin (

To be completed when leaving the Chemistry of Chemical Biology graduate program either becuase you are withdrawing (see “Change your Degree Status” above) or because you are graduating.  Submit the completed form to