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Graduate Students

A portrait of Ali MD Akbar.

Ali MD Akbar

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Kruse

Abdul Rahman Al Nabulsi

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Ayers

A portrait of Parshawn Amini.

Parshawn Amini

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology Okeme

Annina Ashok

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Bujold

A portrait of Sukhvershjit Aulakh.

Sukhvershjit Aulakh

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Rheinstädter

A portrait of Stefano Biasi.

Stefano Biasi

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Sadeghi

A portrait of Kaitlyn Breault.

Kaitlyn Breault

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Magolan

Weronika Brzezinski

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Berti

Shannon Buck

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - McNulty

Alexandra (Alex) Burnett

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

A portrait of Michael Celejewski.

Michael Celejewski

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Wylie

A portrait of Iris Chan.

Iris Chan

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

Kevina Chavda

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Inkster

A portrait of Valerii Chuiko.

Valerii Chuiko

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Ayers

A portrait of Mengyang Cui.

Mengyang Cui

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Goward

A portrait of Anthony D'Angelo.

Anthony D'Angelo

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Wylie

A portrait of Maryam Darestanifarahani.

Maryam Darestanifarahani

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Kruse

A portrait of Kaitlin Davies.

Kaitlin Davies

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Bujold

Alexandre de Camargo

Alexandre de Camargo

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Vargas-Hernandez

A portrait of Leonardo Della Libera.

Leonardo Della Libera

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Melacini

Billy Deng

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Adronov

Unnati Desai

Unnati Desai

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Adronov

A portrait of Rojin Falah.

Rojin Falah

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Sadeghi

Adam Fortier

Adam Fortier

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Vargas-Baca, Saravanamuttu

Claire Gillespie

Claire Gillespie

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Britz-McKibbin

A portrait of Polyniki Gkragkopoulou.

Polyniki Gkragkopoulou

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Whitney

David Gonzalez Martinez

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Moran-Mirabal

A portrait of Novan Gray.

Novan Gray

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Emslie

Manjot Grewal

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Moran-Mirabal

A portrait of Daniel Gweme.

Daniel Gweme

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

A portrait of Elif Gürel.

Elif Gürel

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Britz-McKibbin

A portrait of Mimi Han.

Mimi Han

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Bujold

A portrait of William (Erick) Helmeczi.

William (Erick) Helmeczi

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Britz-McKibbin

A portrait of Nicholas Hoffman.

Nicholas Hoffman

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Emslie

Daniel Hrabowyj

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Adronov

Portrait of Vassilios Kanellis

Vassilios Kanellis

Ph.D Candidate - Chemistry - McNulty
A.N. Bourns Science Building, Room 126
A portrait of Eden Kapcan.

Eden Kapcan

MD/Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Rullo

A portrait of Esin KarataÅŸ OÄŸuz.

Esin Karatas Oguz

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Mozharivskyj

Laiba Khatri

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Sadeghi

Thomas Kirby

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Kruse

A portrait of Karolina Krygier.

Karolina Krygier

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Rullo

Michael Krzysko

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Magolan

Shagana Kukendran

Shagana Kukendran

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Adronov

Griffin LaChapelle

Griffin LaChapelle

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Emslie

Scott Laengert

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry

A portrait of Angela Li.

Angela Li

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Brook

A portrait of Lara Lima.

Lara Lima

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Magolan

A portrait of Rudi Liu.

Rudi Liu

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Li

Zeyuan Liu

Zeyuan Liu

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Goward

A portrait of Princeton Luong.

Princeton Luong

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Magolan

Fanqing Ma

Fanqing Ma

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Sheardown

A portrait of Qiulin Ma.

Qiulin Ma

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Melacini

A portrait of Victor Maldonado.

Victor Maldonado

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

A portrait of Anjilee Manhas.

Anjilee Manhas

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Saravanamuttu

A portrait of Yusra Marfatia.

Yusra Marfatia

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Sadeghi

A portrait of Karla Martinez Pomier.

Karla Martinez Pomier

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Melacini

A portrait of Laura Matchett.

Laura Matchett

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

Kay McCallum

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

A portrait of Nazneen Meethal.

Nazneen Meethal

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Kruse

A portrait of Menatalla Mohamed.

Menatalla Mohamed

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Ayers

Victoria Muir

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Wylie

A portrait of Pallavi Mukherjee.

Pallavi Mukherjee

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Berti

Josie Ng

Josie Ng

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

Seniha Ozyuncu

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Inkster

Ian Pao

Yat Hang (Ian) Pao

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Mozharivskyj

A portrait of Katarina Paskaruk.

Katarina Paskaruk

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Emslie

(Pamela) Oyinagonoemi Penawou

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Sadeghi

A portrait of Taiana Pereira.

Taiana Pereira

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Goward

A portrait of Trong Duc Phan.

Trong Duc Phan

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Mozharivskyj

A portrait of Patricia Pissolatti.

Patricia Pissolatti

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Britz-McKibbin

A portrait of Zengyao (Zoya) Qi.

Zengyao (Zoya) Qi

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Wylie

Aiman Quadiri

Aiman Quadiri

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Goward

A portrait of Hunter Randell.

Hunter Randell

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Bujold/Li

Mokhamed Ranne

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Adronov

Nicole Ritchie

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Magolan

Paul Saliba

Paul Saliba

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - McNulty

A portrait of Gabriela Sanchez Diaz.

Gabriela Sanchez Diaz

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Ayers

Wesley Sanchez

Wesley Sanchez

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Ayers

A portrait of Nickolas Serniuck.

Nickolas Serniuck

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Rullo/Bramson

Sheilan Sinjari

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Stover

Abeera Sivarajah

M.Sc. Candidate – Chemistry – Saravanamuttu

A portrait of Arthur Srayeddin.

Arthur Srayeddin

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Rullo/Bramson

Dusan Srdic

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Saravanamuttu

A portrait of Max St. Pierre.

Max St. Pierre

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - McNulty

Ana Stanciu

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Britz-McKibbin

Kyle Stegman

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Saravanamuttu

A portrait of Yue Su.

Yue Su

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Moran Mirabal

A portrait of Rowan Swann.

Rowan Swann

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Valliant

Heather Sweny

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Stover

Chenlu Wang

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Slater

Ruoting (Gary) Wang

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Magolan

A portrait of Shirley (Xueyi) Wang.

Shirley (Xueyi) Wang

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Sadeghi

Eleanor Wong

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Magolan

A portrait of Alison (Mengchan) Xu.

Alison (Mengchan) Xu

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

A portrait of Grace Yao.

Grace Yao

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Styler

A portrait of Dora (Xiao) Yu.

Dora (Xiao) Yu

Ph.D. Candidate - Chemistry - Adronov

Wenshi Zeng

Wenshi (Mich) Zeng

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Vargas-Baca

A portrait of Walker Zheng.

Walker Zheng

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemistry - Goward

A portrait of Kevin (Xiao Tong) Zhou.

Kevin (Xiao Tong) Zhou

M.Sc. Candidate - Chemical Biology - Bujold