How CALM is Supporting Materials Research at McMaster – Dr Joao B.P. de Firmino and Prof. Jose Moran-Mirabal
Nov 11, 2022
2:30PM to 3:30PM
Date(s) - 11/11/2022
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
In-Person: ABB 102
Online: please contact us for Zoom Link
The Centre for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) was established in 2021with a mandate to support research and training in the science,engineering and life sciences by providing access to cutting-edgelight microscopy instrumentation and techniques, expert trainingtechnical support and imaging services. One year after opening itsdoors, CALM has trained over 150 users and has incorporated new equipment,bringing the total number of microscopes managed by the facility to 14 by theend of 2022. The instrumentation and technical expertise at CALM hasalready aided in the development of workflows to image materials forscience, engineering and life sciences. In this presentation, we willprovide an update on the imaging capabilities at CALM and showcase sampleresearch workflows developed in collaboration with users. We continueto build partnerships with groups aiming to expand the use ofmicroscopy for their research, and look forward to helping you with your futureimaging needs.