McMaster University Scholarships And Awards
McMaster University is proud to offer a variety of opportunities for scholarships and awards, bursaries and work study programs for our students. To find out more about these exciting opportunities, visit McMaster’s Office of Student Financial Aid Scholarships site.
Want to know how to apply for university awards? Visit the Scholarship and Bursaries website for information on how to apply on the AwardSpring portal.
General student inquiries can be directed to one of the Student Service Professionals via online chat.
Applying to medical/law/professional school? If your application asks you for a verifier for awards you’ve won during your time as an undergrad at McMaster, please visit the registrar’s website for more details. Please note that some awards, such as standings on your student record (dean’s honour list etc.) require verification from your faculty.
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Biology Scholarships And Awards
All interested and enthusiastic undergraduate students are encouraged to apply to the McMaster Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology for an NSERC USRA. These prestigious awards enable undergraduate students to spend the summer months (16 weeks) working with a research group in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. They provide students with invaluable research experience and unique learning opportunities in world class laboratories.
Students from McMaster or other universities are eligible, with preference given to students in Level II or Level III. If you are interested in working in a research laboratory and you have a 10.0 Grade Point Average (or above), we invite you to apply.
Students are encouraged to discuss their application and research projects with a potential supervisor before submission to the Department. Be aware that supervisors are allowed to support a maximum of two students for summer awards. For more information please contact the Undergraduate Advisor in the Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology Office, ABB 156 or by email at
NSERC USRA Application Deadline is 5:00 pm on Friday, February 28, 2025.
Awarded students will receive the following total wages over 16 weeks (35 hrs/wk):
$6,000 NSERC award + researcher contribution:
$9,632 – students completing level II
$9,744 – students completing level III
$9,856 – students completing level IV
Note: Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents and must be currently registered in a bachelor’s degree program. Please note: The wages posted are the minimum a student would earn with the award. Supervisors have the ability to top up more than the minimum we post.
To Apply For An NSERC USRA Award:
Submit the on-line application form
Only Awarded Students Will Be Asked To Complete NSERC Form 202 Part 1. They May Also Be Asked To Provide An Official Transcript.
Notes For Completing Form 202 Part I
- All NSERC forms must be completed on-line.
- Follow the instructions for completing the application here.
- Degree = Bachelor’s
- Name of Discipline = name of your program (i.e. Honours Chemical Biology)
- Department = Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Your official transcript must include one copy of the back page which details your university’s grading scheme. This will only be required if your application leads to an award.
Award decisions will be announced in March. Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Undergraduate Studies Committee. Students not awarded a USRA will automatically be considered for an ACAEA. All applicants will be contacted by email with their results for the competition.
The Dr. Audrey Cameron Academic Excellence and Discovery Fund has been established to fund student research experiences in which students will have the chance to work on innovative projects in chemistry and chemical biology. Students receiving ACAE awards work full time for 16 weeks during the summer in one of the department’s research laboratories. Students are provided with invaluable research experience and unique learning opportunities in Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
All domestic and international students in Level II, Level III or Level IV programs in the Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, with a Grade Point Average of 9.0 or higher, are eligible to apply.
Students are encouraged to discuss their application and research projects with a potential supervisor before submission to the Department. Be aware that supervisors are allowed to support a maximum of two students for summer awards. For more information please contact the Undergraduate Advisor in the Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology Office, ABB 156 or by email at
ACAEA Awards for Equity Deserving Students – C&CB also recognizes that talented students encounter systemic (historical, social, and/or environmental) barriers to full and fair access, representation, opportunities, and resources with respect to chemistry & chemical biology education and higher learning.
As part of the Department’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusive excellence, we have dedicated some ACAEA positions for students identifying as being in one (or more) of the following equity deserving groups:
- Indigenous students
- Students with disabilities
- Racialized minority students (especially youth with Afro-Canadian and Latin American backgrounds)
- Students from low-income families and neighbourhoods
- Adult learners who are new to post-secondary education
- Students from rural communities
- Members of the LGBTQ+ community
- Students who wouldn’t attend post-secondary without additional programs or supports
- Students with parents who did not attend post-secondary studies (first-generation university students)
ACAEA Application Deadline is 5:00pm on Friday, February 28, 2025.
Awarded students will receive $17.20/hr per week, at 35 hours per week, over 16 weeks.
Please note: The hourly wage is the minimum a student would earn with the award. Supervisors have the ability to top up more than the minimum we post.
To Apply For An Award:
Submit the on-line application form
Award decisions will be announced in March. Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Undergraduate Studies Committee. All applicants will be contacted by email with their results for the competition.